A truism of golf is that rain happens, says Hartwell. Inevitably, one of the golfer's first actions is to cover his or her clubs. Quite often, this effort consists of their own full size golf umbrella (which usually falls out of the bag because it is so big -- not to mention the golfers would rather use it for themselves), a rainfly they dig around in their bag for, a garbage bag, etc., etc. None of these provide the quick access and usability of the DrizzleStik.
The DrizzleStik does indeed incorporate a number of appealing features. First, it has a telescoping shaft, which, when collapsed, allows it to fit into a long bag pocket or unobtrusively amongst your clubs. Second, the handle is a golf grip, the tackiness of which keeps the DrizzleStik from blowing out of your bag. Third, its small size fits perfectly over the opening of a golf bag, even when two bags are side-by-side on a cart. Fourth, a patented interior lining keeps clubs from hooking on the DrizzleStiks ribs.
The DrizzleStik is especially suited for bags carried on carts. We at TravelGolf.com noticed that if it is inserted in a stand bag, the angle at which the bag is carried and set down allows rain to get between the DrizzleStik and the top of the bag.
In regard to carrying clubs and using the DrizzleStik, Hartwell responds, the best way to answer the question is to define who is carrying the bag. Ideally, as the case with a number of Sr. PGA Tour caddies, the canopy would maintain good coverage when the clubs are carried. Any minor gap when carrying the clubs would be covered (so we are told) by the caddy's own rain jacket.
Absent a caddy, however, walkers may have to go back to the hassle of the rain hood and those damnable snaps.
The DrizzleStik is available at the country's leading golf retailers, including Edwin Watts, Special Tee Golf, Golf Galaxy, Pro Golf, Golf Etc., MacBirdie Golf & Gifts, Golf America, Bass Pro, Carl's GolfLand, and Dunham's for between $25-30, as well as online.
If youve ever golfed in the rain and fought with maddening, moldy rain hoods, an option like the DrizzleStik is extremely welcome. Hey, most of us curse enough on the course as it is.
More information, including ordering and silk screening corporate logos onto the DrizzleStik can be found at: www.drizzlestik.com.