Chase Art is pleased to be the exclusive representative for Tony Harris, professional golf artist and sports specialist. Tony creates true golfing excitement and drama through his golf landscape paintings. A student of the game, its' history and the art of course design, Harris sees his work as a tribute to the inspired efforts of course designers from the past and the present. Not only does he faithfully reproduce the courses, but Harris also strives to be true to the integrity of the game by capturing the idiosyncrasies real golf afficionados can appreciate.
Whether in a painting of the famous courses of the world, or of your own home course, Harris' art depicts the essence and feel of golf. His talent and knowledge of the game combine to produce a series of paintings which transcend "Golf Art" and stand on their own as works of art.
My paintings are really landscapes", says Harris, "but where are you going to find more beautiful landscapes than on a golf course!"