Brian O'Keefe, C.P.G.A.
Director of Golf, Head Professional,
Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
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Straight golf shots are a result of proper hand rotation through impact of the golf ball. In the back swing the club head should be opening up to the point where the leading edge (the bottom of the club face) points straight up.
We then cock the wrists to create some energy to be released throught impact. We keep our wrist cocked until our hands are almost over the ball as we come in to strike it.
We then start our release by uncocking the wrists. The club head will then go from the leading edge pointing up position, or toe up position, to squaring up the blade to the target at impact, to the toe of the club point up on the follow through side of impact when the shaft is parallel to the ground.
This rotation of the hands or release of the hands will impart the correct spin on the ball that is needed in order for the ball to fly straight. This hand release through the ball also produces clubhead speed which together will produce long and straight shots.