
Golf Tips from the pros

Ball position.

Tim Peighal,
Director of Operations,
Summit Golf Academy,
Port Orange, Florida

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This is something that I think is very overlooked or just taken for granted. I feel it is extremely important to know where the ball is relative to the bottom of the swing, that spot may differ from player to player, because of the amount of foward lateral movement each player has. (You need to find the best position for you.) On all full shots that are uninhibited or not in some type of awkward lie the ball position should be slightly ahead of center to about 3 inches ahead of center according to the length of the club.

The ball position should be ahead in the stance so when you redirect the swing the club will start foward and decend on its foward approach to the ball. This will produce forward and downward pressure on the ball, making the ball start down your target line.

Here's how to determine where the ball is relative to your feet.

  • Place two clubs on the gound forming a small letter t.
  • The one that is parallel to your target is your foot line, place your toes along this club.
  • The one that is perpendicular should be placed to indicate the center of your stance.
  • Now start with the ball slightly ahead of this point for your iron shots and work foward up to about three inches for your driver.
  • Remember on all full shots the ball should be between your front heel and the club that is at the center of your feet.

Try it I'm sure you will like it.
