The LibraryHow to Take Great Golf PhotographsSand Trap Photos
Golfers playing out of sand traps and other hazards provide for more elements of visual interest, since the golfer often blasts a clubful of sand along with the ball, and the speed of the ball is slower and can be captured on film. For a photo like the one above, the photographer is using a long lens and is probably standing on the far side of the green. This means that there's little distraction for the golfer and little danger of the photographer getting hit by the ball, since the golfer is trying to loft the ball onto the green near the location of the hole. For this photo you'll need a camera with a telephoto lens. If you have a zoom lens make sure you are zoomed in on your subject as tight as possible. |
Here's a similar shot with a mountain of sand that has been churned up by the golfer. The ball appears to have vanished from the frame by the time the shutter fired. It's still an interesting photo, but showing the ball would have helped. Of course, no matter what type of camera you are using, in an action sport like golf, you may not know exactly what you've captured on film until you look at the processed photos. That's part of what makes sports photography interesting. |
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