Plugged In The Hazard Humorous Pro-Spectives On Golf Negative Self-Talk On The Golf Course Weve all heard the statistics. Golf is 85% mental, 11% physical, 2% luck, and 2% level of intoxicants in the system. I dont really have a problem with the numbers, however, for somebody like Barney the dinosaur, golf being 85% mental is somewhat scary. Im convinced that if that big ol, furry purple thing (if you ask me, he looks and acts like a retarded dinosaur) would peg it up hed be lucky to break 1000. He just doesnt seem to have the mental toughness to play golf at a high level. For example, his stupid laugh followed by, look boys and girls, watch as Barney attempts to play a bank shot off the tree, off his spleen, and onto the green! Negative Self-Talk is prevalent among many of the golfing segments, of which retarded purple dinosaurs would probably make up the smallest group. Basically everyone who has ever picked up an iron, wood, and especially a putter, has suffered from negative self-talk. What exactly is negative self-talk, you ask? When you inwardly cite things like Im not good enough, Im not smart enough, Im not strong enough, and darn it all, people dont like me youve negatively self-talked. Of course, according to the statistics, negative self-talk will severely hamper your game. Thats why I find it intriguing why so many golfers dont recognize this fact and rectify it (chaining a cannonball onto your leg and jumping off a pier doesnt count). Perhaps we should start by listing a few possible situations where negative self-talk can settle in, and then provide a few alternative ways to deal with the misfortune or the challenge confronting you. Situation #1 The Ball Literally Needs To Be Hanging On The Lip In Order For You To Make The Putt Struggling with the flat stick is all too common. Most people react by thinking negatively. For Example, My blind, purple, retarded pet dinosaur could make more putts and so on. In an effort to combat the negative talk in this situation, first grab the guilty putter and snap it over a log. Then vehemently shout vile, and repulsive threats to your new putter, which will likely be your driver. Using a different putter should resolve the problem and create a more positive environment. Situation #2 Youve Just Sliced Five Consecutive Tee-Shots Out Of Bounds Although making a 17 on a hole isnt really what you had in mind when the day began, keep in mind that hitting five balls OB on one hole isnt even close to the record. Barney hit 12 consecutive tee shots out of bounds at the Retarded Dinosaur Classic golf tournament last July. Nonetheless, your usual reaction in this situation is to impale yourself with the broken shaft of your driver as you scream out confirmation of your self-hatred. Remembering that there is usually somebody that has done worse than you should make you more joyful going back to your bag for more ammo in these situations. Also, if you must, impaling yourself onto a golf club will work best with a top brand xxx stiff steel shaft. Situation #3 Youre In The Bunker Due to obscure reasons, such as the last five times you played a shot from the sand you launched screaming, head-seeking missiles at your playing partners, you have little confidence in the sand. In fact, youve just requested that the boys either a) put on protective headgear prior to your shot or b) run away from the area. Believe it or not, these are signs that you are suffering from negative self-talk. What you need to do is get the proper legal, accidental death, liability, etc. insurance protection done before hand. This way you wont have to worry about that stuff on the course and youll be able to relax and breathe a whole lot easier in these situations. Thinking negatively on the course will not do you much good. Take the necessary steps to rid yourself of this corrosive disease. The statistics dont lie. Golf is 65% mental, 20% physical, 2% luck, and 13% level of intoxicants in the system (I had a little Chardonnay while writing this column).