
Antiques and Collectibles

Antique Golf
64 Duchray Drive, Paisley, PAI 3BS, Scotland
Telephone: 011-44-141-889-1860
Email: antiquegolf@dmcsoft.com
Web site: http://www.dmcsoft.com/antiquegolf/

Chase Creations
450 Beaconsfield Blvd, Beaconsfield, Quebec, H9W 4B9, Canada
1 800 375-3705
Web site: http://www.aei.ca/~chase

Chuck Furjanic, Inc.
Golf Collectibles
P.O. Box 165892, Irving, Texas, USA 75016
Telephone: 1-800-882-4825

Golf Antiques
Stephan Boyer
905 Hartman Lane Lebanon, Pennsylvania 17042
717-228-0661 (Telephone and Fax)
Email: boykid@nbn.net

Leo M Kelly, Jr.
Old Chicago Golf Shop
4977 Arquilla Drive
Richton Park,Illinois 60471
Email: ochicago@ix.netcom.com
Web site: a href=http://www.oldgolf.com

Vaitkus Golf Art & Antiques
15 Ferry Avenue
Northampton, Massachusetts 01060
Email: wogolf@crocker.com
Web site: http://www.crocker.com/golf/
