Golf Travel Bell Travel 246E Larkfield Rd., East Northport, New York 11731 Telephone: (516) 261-4500 Fax: (516) 261-4741 Website: www.belltravel.net Adventure Golf Holidays, USA Telephone: (413) 568-2855 Fax: (413) 562-3621 Adventure in Golf, USA Telephone: (603) 882-8367 Fax: (603) 595-6514 Atlanticgolf 26 Crown Road, St. Margaret's, Twickenham, Middlesex, England TW1 3EE 0181-891 4651 Best Tours, USA Telephone: (714) 752-8881 Fax: (714) 494-5088 Brian Moore International Tours, USA Telephone: (508) 533-6683 Fax: (508) 533-3812 Caledonia Custom Golf 1 Christie Street, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland PA1 1NB (0141) 889 7778 Celtic International Tours, USA Telephone: (518) 463-5511 Fax: (518) 463-8461 Classic Sports Tours Ltd Suite 1904 - 1155 Beach Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia Canada V6E 1V2 (604) 683-4216 Classic Heritage Tours St Andrews House, PO Box 0487, Williams Arizona 86046 Telephone: - 1-800-720-7333/520-635-9832 Fax: 520-635-9202 Email: ukgolf@primenet.com Web page: http://www.azwebview.com/ukgolf Costa Rica Golf Adventures San Jose, Costa Rica Telephone: 011-506-222-5047 Toll Free: 1-800-477-8971 Fax/VoiceMail: 1-888-261-6645 E-mail: Golf@centralamerica.com Web page: http://www.costaricagolf.com Destination Ireland, USA Telephone: (212) 977-9629 Fax: (212) 541-6207 The ETM Travel Group, USA Telephone: (203) 454-0090 Fax: (203) 454-8840 Golf Getaways Travel, USA Telephone: (818) 991-7015 Fax: (818) 991-9270 Golf International, USA Telephone: (212) 986-9176 Fax: (212) 986-3720 Golfpac Inc, USA Telephone: Toll Free: (800) 327-0878 Fax: (407) 260-8989 Web page: http://www.golfpacinc.com Golf Tours UK Ltd 106 Westbourne Rd Marsh, Huddersfield West Yorkshire England Telephone: 00 44 1484 435436 Fax: 00 44 1484 420203 Web page: www.golftours-uk.co.uk E-mail: golftours@btinternet.com Grasshopper Golf Tours, USA Telephone: (708) 858-1660 Fax: (708) 858-1681 Intergolf, USA Telephone: (404) 518-1250 Fax: (404) 518-1272 Irish American International Tours, USA Telephone: (610) 543-0785 Fax: (610) 789-5164 Irish Links Tours & Travel, USA Telephone: (203) 363-2088 Fax: (203) 363-2188 ITC Golf Tours, USA Telephone: (310) 595-6905 Fax: (310) 424-6683 Jerry Quinlan's Celtic Golf, USA Telephone: (609) 884-8090 Fax: (609) 884-8682 Journeys Thru Scotland Co., USA Telephone: (714) 499-4410 Fax: (714) 499-9594 King/Ire Golf, USA Telephone: (617) 469-5113 Fax: (617) 327-9594 Lismore Tours, USA Telephone: (212) 685-0100 Fax: (212) 685-0614 Lynott Tours, Inc. Ellen Mc Nulty, President 400 Garden City Plaza, Site 309 Garden City, NY 11530 Telephone: (516) 248-2042; (800) 221-2474 Fax: (516) 248-3496 Website: www.Lynotttours.com McKinlay Golf Travel 4614 West Polo Creek Court, Fresno, CA 93722 Telephone: (800) 748-5430 Fax: (559) 276-0970 Email: m1@mckinlay.com Website: http://mckinlay.com/golf/index.htm Marsans International Travel, USA Telephone: (212) 239-3880 Fax: (212) 239-4129 Match Tours Immeuble Oumlil N°6, Avenue Hassan II, Agadir, Morocco Telephone: /, Fax: E Mail: Slimani Omar E mail: matchtours@casanet-a.net.ma / matcht@iam.net.ma Web Site: www.matchtours.com/agadir/golf/prestigious4.htm Morton Golf Holidays 45 Dunkeed Road, Perth, Scotland PH1 5RP (01738) 626701 O'Conner Golf, USA Telephone: (702) 361-4847 Fax: (702) 361-4970 Owenoak International, USA Telephone: (203) 655-2531 Fax: (203) 656-1651 Perry Golf, USA Telephone: (404) 641-9696 Fax: (404) 641-9798 PGA Travel, USA Telephone: (404) 454-5157 Fax: (404) 454-5157 R.Rajashekar Golf Tours r.rajashekar@mailexcite.com 81 Mosque Road, Fraser Town Bangalore 560 005 Round Ball Golf Tours, USA Telephone: (817) 459-GOLF Fax: (817) 861-9407 SGH Golf, USA Telephone: (513) 984-0414 Fax: (513) 984-9648 Shamrock Travel Golf Tours, USA Telephone: (813) 376-7815 Fax: (813) 376-7815 Scottish Golf And Travel Service 12 Rutland Square, Edinburgh, Scotland, EH1 2BB 44-0-131221 1500 / Canada And USA: 1-800-847-8064 Tobs Golf Safaris Lenana Road, P.O.Box 20146, Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa (254-2) 721722/727790 / Fax: (254-2) 722015 Email: tobsgolf@form-net.com Web Page: www.kenya-golf-safaris.com Travel & Culture Services 36 National Square Khayaban-e-Jami Clifton, Karachi - Pakistan Tel: 92-21-579-289 / Fax: 92-21-5832632 Email: travel@cyber.net.pk Web Page: http://tours.hypermart.net Tours Conferences Incentives and Hotels Two Seasons Travel, Golf and Ski The Hague, ZH, The Netherlands Email Address: INFO@TWOSEAONS.NL Web Site: www.twoseasons.nl Golf Travel to Nepal Wide World of Golf, USA Telephone: (408) 624-6667 Fax: (408) 625-9671